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Watch out for FRAGRANCE

When trying to conceive and preparing a for healthy pregnancy, there are many things we pay attention to from food and supplements to exercise in order to increase our chances of getting pregnant. One of the most important things to avoid but often overlooked is the fertility harming to…

How SUGAR affects your fertility

Part of a healthy fertility diet is to have low sugar intake Whether you love eating sugary foods like cakes, pastries, chocolate, bubble tea, soft drinks or refined carbohydrates like white bread, pizza, rice noodles and white rice (Yes… we all love white rice), know that it could be…

Overcoming Stress & Negative emotions when trying to conceive

Everyone goes through ups and downs, stress and negative emotions throughout our lives. Struggling with infertility or just simply trying to get pregnant brings about various emotions, and it’s common to feel stress, anxiety and fear dealing with uncertainty in every step. Having stru…

3 steps to forming new habits that stick

Have you ever wondered “Why didn’t I do what I said I wanted to do? Why can’t I lose weight or why can’t I wake up earlier in the morning?”   I’m sure everyone has set goals for themselves at some point in their lives, big or small, it’s something we desire or want to achieve to be …

Emotional Baggage while trying to conceive

Do you sometimes feel like you need a hug? That's how I felt today. My hubby was already sleeping but I hugged him anyways  😅  that's how much I needed that hug.   The last couple of weeks had been hectic. It was the busiest time of the year at work, plus fertility treatments…

Your personal care products and household cleaners are affecting your Health & Fertility

An average person is exposed to over 100 different chemicals a day. Think about tooth paste, shampoo, soap, baby wipes, deodorant, cosmetics that we put on our bodies. Plus the household cleaners like dish soap, laundry detergent, floor cleaners that pollute our home and can be harmful…

Eat the Rainbow for your Wellness and Fertility

I have been trying to get pregnant for years and been through fertility treatments without success. My fertility doctor ‘instructed’ me to eat 5 colours of fruits and veggies every day. “ What?? .. 5 different colours? Every day? that’s A LOT !” was the silent protest in my head. Well…